
This is our live video streaming platform. WEcast provides tools for live streamers to capture, encode and broadcast to thousands of simultaneous visitors.

WEcast™ is designed specifically to stream live events over the internet. It is composed of 3 components:

  • Encoder
    The Encoder can be run from a Windows 7 PC or laptop. It takes video data from a connected video device and encodes it for streaming.

  • Server
    The Server works with the Encoder and Players to ensure that only members are streaming the video. As members log on to watch a live event, viewer statistics are logged. The WEcast™ Server is delivered as a service hosted by WEtap Media.

  • Player
    This is a web-based video player based on Adobe Flash and HTML5. This means that most members will not need to install a plug-in to watch the live video. If a user's browser or version of flash is too old to support streaming video, they are prompted to download the latest version. 

Amazon Web Services provides live-streaming and on-demand bandwidth. Our solution makes use of the following Amazon Web Services:

  • S3 – Simple Storage Service
    This service will provide storage and bandwidth for on-demand video.

  • CloudFront – Content Delivery Network
    Amazon is in the process of adding live-streaming bandwidth to their Amazon CloudFront service. This is a critical component to the overall solution. We will be working with Amazon during their beta to ensure that the service works as advertised prior to a production rollout.

To inquire about WEcast™, please contact us.

Amazon Web Services